Celebrating the 8th of March: Four women, four life stories, four questions.

March 8, 2022
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As the world celebrates women's social, political, economic, and cultural achievements on International Women's Day, we decided to introduce you to some of the outstanding female employees of the Ecommpay Riga office. Those girls would be our top picks for the final boss fight if life were a video game.

We had a chat with each of them, asking four questions about their journey in the FinTech industry, their motivation and their views on work and life in general. Four outstanding women, four life stories, four questions. Let's proceed to the interviews with our superheroes.

Olga Pozdejeva Portrait

What was your journey to FinTech?

I dreamed of becoming a pharmacist, got an education and then somehow turned to another field. I haven't found my place in chemistry, but I do still love it.

My journey to FinTech started with computer components sales. I dealt with export transactions and realised that wasn't exactly my thing. So I took a sabbatical and searched for myself until I could clearly see where I wanted to work.

It was supposed to be something new for me. An opportunity to think in a new way, to see things differently. It had to be a start-up. It had to involve inspired people. So I started from scratch at Ecommpay. I got to know my colleagues and noticed people's eyes burning. That's how I got into fintech, and I don't want to leave it anymore.

How do you balance work and life?

It isn't that easy to combine these two things for me. I constantly think about work. So, for now, I decided to limit myself and spend the weekends completely unplugged from the office or any form of work-related communication.

What piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Without the things that happened in the past, I wouldn't be here now. So I would say, "you did everything right".

How can women support each other this international women's day and beyond?

A piece of friendly advice, a kind word. I think even in a professional environment, women still appreciate compliments and cheers. In general, everyone likes to receive support in their own way, so it is essential to know how to encourage a person in their language.

Anastasia Zencika Portrait

What was your journey to FinTech?

I started to work for my parents when I was 15. My proper career began in my early 20ies in Edinburgh. I joined a business consultancy, where my role evolved from a personal assistant to managing director. After this rollercoaster, I decided to pursue my girly dream and try myself in the beauty industry working for L'Oreal Paris. After starting at a small company, moving to a huge corporation was neither fulfilling nor challenging for me. So I decided to look for a new challenge - something that I would know nothing about and where I would be able to build it myself.

I joined Ecommpay at a time when the brand itself didn't exist. This was a straightforward challenge because I had to create everything from scratch. On the one hand, I could do whatever I wanted. On the other - I had to build an understanding of the financial industry. FinTech was at the stage of rapid development, and it was necessary to know how people make decisions and how our company can help.

How do you balance work and life?

When you love your work, you enjoy it anytime, anywhere. My best friends are my colleagues, clients, and partners. Thanks to my job, I am always with people who help me develop and enjoy life, regardless of where we are, at work or in our personal space.

However, when I really need to switch off, an active lifestyle helps. Surfing, bouldering, snowboarding, skydiving give you a moment of complete concentration. When no distraction is allowed, the head becomes clear and you recharge entirely. This is much better than meditation or a total break for me.

What piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Be brave. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. That is the only way to learn and move forward. There are so many opportunities in life, but we can deny it all with our fear. So be brave and act.

How can women support each other this international women's day and beyond?

Listen to each other with no interruption, try to understand what bothers the person next to you and ask if they need your help. Sometimes, just letting the person talk about their problems and ideas helps them find the solution themselves.

Olga Karablina Portrait

What was your journey to FinTech?

It was unexpected and adventurous for sure. FinTech is not a course one can take in the university. The meaning is broad, but the required knowledge is quite specific. I was lucky enough to get on board a FinTech company with no prior related experience. But I worked and learned hard to get where I am now.

After eight years as the CEO of a VIP travel agency in Africa, I returned to Europe to study for a master's degree in finance. I had to start all over again in a new place. As a result, I was hired by a food flavouring company as a business developer. Having quickly reached career heights, I left the company. And then, I started my career path at Ecommpay as a partner manager. This journey is not over yet.

How do you balance work and life?

The balance is a very tricky moment. I wish I could say I manage it well, but I can't. Sometimes I am carried away with work-related thoughts and issues over weekends. I force myself to stop. For now, I just made it a habit to take small notes if I have a sudden good idea about work and come back to it on Monday.

What piece of advice would you give your younger self?

I usually say it is better to regret what is done than what wasn't. And I must say I was following these words. Thus, I would not change much if I got a chance to live my life again. I would have just advised choosing Fintech 3 or 4 years earlier. But not more than that, because my previous experience made me who I am today!

How can women support each other this international women's day and beyond?

On the 8th of March, we can express appreciation and compliment each other. But in the bigger picture, I suppose believing in each other is the best form of support. Trust is also important, and we should talk about it more. Help others to level up their self-esteem and assist in achieving the goals.

Liudmila Zhelenkova Portrait

What was your journey to FinTech?

My journey to FinTech was as logical as possible. I received a bachelor's and a master's degree in math. I understood that there were two options for my future - to continue my career in academia or look at market areas where my knowledge could be helpful. Finance seemed to be the best field related to mathematics, so I decided to get an education in it. After my studies, I was invited to work at a classical bank with a history of over 25 years.

I joined the team responsible for developing payment instruments and payment services. In other words, I started to work with payment cards. This kind of work turned out to be so fascinating for me that, in general terms, I am still doing it now.

Since the bank where I started was classic and traditional, I began to notice the lack of speed. Technology was developing rapidly, but traditional banks were not ready to catch up. This has led to FinTech startups taking the lead. This is what Ecommpay was like when I accepted the job offer.

A significant motivation was the company's strategic focus on introducing the most advanced technologies to the payment market. And I was excited to try myself at the forefront. As the competition among FinTech companies grows, the introduction of new technologies is encouraged by the market itself. And as we move faster, we make the lives of millions of people easier. That makes me understand I've made the right choice.

How do you balance work and life?

I find a source of strength in travelling. I often go on short trips for 3-4 days. That is a kind of compromise - you do not leave work for a long time, but you also get the opportunity to change the picture and switch the brain. Another great way to switch from work is sports. I think 80% of work-life balance comes from good time management and 20% from inspiration to do something else.

What piece of advice would you give your younger self?

I wouldn't give myself any advice. I wouldn't want to change anything in my life. All the bricks on the road made me who I am. Knowing myself, I wouldn't listen to advice anyway, even from myself. So, most likely, I would only say "keep going!".

How can women support each other this international women's day and beyond?

I believe that women are very hardworking. And it is essential to support each other to replenish the invested energy. You can arrange informal meetings like a lunch or a master class. We can openly discuss our problems, celebrate achievements, and share experience and expertise during those.

I also think that gender is not that important. The strongest teams are the ones where men and women support and respect each other equally. And I am lucky to be in a team like this.

So, the best thing we can do today or any other day is respect and support each other, regardless of status, gender, or other attributes that distinguish us from each other.

And there you have it—four outstanding women, four life stories, for questions. We hope you enjoyed getting to know those exceptional human beings as much as we enjoy working with them every day.

We would like to include a few hundred more extraordinary female colleagues in this post. Hopefully, we will do so in the upcoming years. As for now, we celebrate International Women’s Day and acknowledge the professionalism, energy and courage of women nearby us and all around the world. You are the true superheroes!

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