How to choose online payment methods for your business

As online businesses evolve and grow, so too does the payment landscape. New payment methods continue to enter the market and quickly gather momentum, with consumer preferences changing at a similar speed. As a result, you need to keep up with these changes and offer your customer their preferred payment experiences. This is particularly the case when entering new markets, when popular regional payment methods are required if you’re going to be competitive.
However, when seeking the right payment methods for online business, you’d expect to be comparing market data, legal information, and endless expert articles. Fortunately, you can save hours of research and utilise a personalised payment method selection that lets you set all your desired parameters easily and quickly.

How to use the Ecommpay payment method finder
Searching for online payment methods is easy with the Ecommpay payment method finder. To obtain your list of recommended payment options for online business, simply follow these steps:
- Open the payment method finder page
- Select the appropriate industry from the list
- Choose your target regions
- Select the target countries
Select the target countries
Based on your previously chosen regions, you can then choose the specific countries your business operates in.
Choose the payment direction
You can choose whether to accept payments, including recurring, perform payouts, or both.
- As you apply the filters, you’ll see your personalised list of payment methods. You can select or deselect any of the suggested methods to refine your search further, and even modify your original query to get new results.
- Once you’re ready to proceed, click "Let's discuss your needs"
- Fill in the form to receive a bespoke quote tailored to your selected payment methods
Why use the Ecommpay payment method finder?
Save time and get insights instantly. The Ecommpay payment method finder analyses vast amounts of data for each payment method, including eligible regions and countries, supported industries for each specific payment method and payment directions.
Benefit from our expertise and get the right suggestions for you
Having examined thousands of variables, the Ecommpay payment method finder will provide you with a list of suggested global and alternative payment methods for online business, unique to your use case. We do the research for you, providing market data for specific regions and countries quickly and efficiently.
No need to connect payment methods individually
Once you’ve received suggestions and refined your search based on your unique requirements, you’ll end up with a list of different payment options for online business. Thanks to the Ecommpay payment method finder, you don’t need to worry about integration, as we will connect each payment method for you - saving time and money.
No need to connect payment methods individually
Once you’ve received suggestions and refined your search based on your unique requirements, you’ll end up with a list of different payment options for online business. Thanks to the Ecommpay payment method finder, you don’t need to worry about integration, as we will connect each payment method for you - saving time and money.
Is a particular solution missing from your list?
If you couldn’t find the specific online payment method you were looking for, simply send us your requirements by filling in the contact form. Our team of experts will search your desired region and help connect your preferred payment systems and methods.
Find online payment methods for your business
Whether you’re planning a change of online payment methods, either by adding new ones or replacing those that have become irrelevant or out of date, research needs to be conducted to ensure the best possible decision is made. The Ecommpay payment method finder tool makes this entire process simpler, faster and more convenient.
Offer your customers online payment methods for businesses they already know and trust! From global card schemes to regional e-wallets, Ecommpay’s comprehensive portfolio covers every online payment method scenario your business needs.
Get in touch with our team for a tailored solution and let’s grow your business needs!