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Giropay is a popular real-time online bank transfer payment method in Germany. Since 2006 Giropay has integrated more than 1,500 German banks. It enables customers to make payments via their bank accounts.

Web service:

How do Giropay payments work?

When making a payment and choosing Giropay as a preferred payment method, customers are redirected to their bank page where confirmation of the payment is made. Giropay is available both - on desktop and mobile.

How to accept Giropay payments?

To learn more about accepting payments with Giropay, fill in the form and one of ECOMMPAY managers will get in touch with you to help you connect Giropay to your e-commerce business.


No chargebacks, real-time payment confirmation, highly secure for merchants and customers, high conversion rate, customer convenience as no registration is required, payment guaranteed via the payment scheme.

Payment Method Category

Alternative Payment Method

Supported Industries

Retail, Professional Services, Travel & Hospitality, Transportation & Airlines, Social networks & Entertainment, Housing and utilities services, Lending (incl. microfinance organisations (MFO))

Payment Type

Pay-in, Refund


Europe (EEA)



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