Risk Management

Boost your revenue by maximising the rate of successful transactions and reducing the likelihood of fraudulent activity

Adapting to the steadily increasing volumes of processed transactions, Ecommpay has developed and implemented the Risk Control System (“RCS”), which effectively manages the processes of controlling all transactions in order to detect suspicious activity and effectively minimise the risks of fraud, while ensuring compliance with regulatory rules and operating standards.

Discover the features that comprise the RCS

Maximise transaction conversion rate by leveraging features like:
  • Flexible anti-fraud filters.
  • Suspicious transactions monitoring process, adapted to the specifics of a particular client's business.
  • Automatic and manual transactions monitoring by a personal anti-fraud manager using modern approaches to data visualisation and link analysis.
  • Checking user details against Whitelist/Blacklist databases, as well as sanctions lists.
  • Automatic machine learning model developed to identify transactions with a high probability of fraud.

How does the Risk Control System work?

Key elements of the Risk Control System

  • Filter setup
    The RCS system uses a combination of filters that adapt to the specifics of a business, thereby providing flexible yet effective control of potentially fraudulent transactions.
  • Post-monitoring
    Transitions marked as suspicious by the RCS undergo additional checks by a highly qualified team of risk analysts. Depending on the results, Ecommpay notifies the client of potentially fraudulent transactions and/or adjusts the filter settings in the Risk Control System. Thus, Ecommpay ensures its customers have high approval rates and a low level of fraud, preventing them from being enrolled in the Card Organisation’s Monitoring Programs.
  • Blacklist/Whitelist management
    The Merchant Dashboard interface allows the client to manage a set of blacklists and whitelists for parameters such as card/account number, email, IP, and user ID, thereby preventing the recurrence of fraud.
  • Chargeback management
    In our modern reality, users often resort to the chargeback procedure — sometimes illegally — but Ecommpay knows how to work with chargebacks and successfully win such cases. The Merchant Dashboard interface offers clients a simple, convenient, intuitive way to review and manage the chargebacks.

Mitigate risks to safeguard your revenues

Find synergy between security and conversion with Ecommpay's RCS.


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