Choose Open Banking

Let your customers pay directly from their bank accounts in seconds with a built-in-house solution that complements your existing payment portfolio.
avg. conversion rate
years on the market
of banks in the UK & EEA

An unrivalled Open Banking ecosystem

Our full-suite Open Banking solutions are built in-house by the industry’s best engineers, providing a selection of capabilities to address your business’ payment needs.
  • Open Banking Account-2-Account

    Our full-suite Open Banking solutions are built in-house by the industry’s best engineers, providing a selection of capabilities to address your business’ payment needs.
  • Open Banking Advanced

    An Enterprise solution featuring instant pay-ins, payouts and refunds from a dedicated bank account. Improve efficiency with automatic reconciliation and receive immediate payment confirmations.
  • Open Banking Select

    Ecommpay Partners can leverage our Open Banking network using our cutting-edge orchestration platform, which serves as a central hub connecting various providers, both old and new.

Why Your Business Needs an Open Banking Solution

Open Banking is a leap forward from a technical and security standpoint, while offering a faster, simpler and safer way for your customers to pay.
  • No chargebacks once the user has signed in with their personal credentials and confirmed the payment;
  • An additional revenue stream;
  • Improved conversion rate due to the trustworthiness of the customer’s banking environment;
  • Direct and instant payment;
  • Managed traffic specifically for pay-by-bank pay-ins and pay-outs;
  • No need to look for an external provider with Ecommpay’s complete payment ecosystem.

How Does it Work?

  • You add Pay by bank to your payment methods;
  • Your customers choose their bank;
  • After authenticating via their bank, customers confirm the payment;
  • The payment appears in your bank account.
  • Banking payouts are added to your payment methods;
  • You enter the payment details of the beneficiary;
  • An instant payout is sent.

Take payments to the next level

Get in touch with an Open Banking expert to lower transaction costs, eliminate chargebacks and receive instant payments to your bank account.


We Work with Worldwide Clients in the Following Industries

Travel & Hospitality, Retail, Airlines & Private Aviation, and Yachting

Compare & Choose Between Two Smart Solutions

Dedicated sub-account
Funds aggregation
Payment confirmation
Automatic reconciliation

Choose Your Open Banking Integration

Do you need a speedy solution or total customisation?  When integrated through our API, our professional implementation team will use their expertise to support you during each step of the integration process to build a custom solution tailored to your exact requirements.

If you’d prefer to get up and running as quickly as possible, our Hosted Payment Pages can get you connected within 1 day, subject to compliance.

Whatever method you choose, your customers will enjoy the ultimate payment experience.

Open Banking Select

Our market-leading solution offers a complete Open Banking hub that serves as a single, harmonised connection to an unmatched range of providers for maximum scalability and optimised conversion.
Key features:
  • Select and route between top Open Banking providers;
  • Effortlessly orchestrate existing providers into our ecosystem;
  • Maximise coverage;
  • Benefit from a universal payment flow;
  • Scale globally with regional expertise;
  • Enjoy a faster time-to-market.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Open Banking?

    Open Banking — also referred to as “pay by bank” — is a technology that provides third-party access to users’ financial data (with their consent) through the use of an Open Banking API (application programming interface). In straightforward terms, APIs allow software and apps to communicate with one another and share data, allowing developers to build custom financial and payment services.

    When it comes to eCommerce, Open Banking speeds up the payment process with instant account-to-account transactions, simple verification and strong security. Over 2,000 major banks across the EEA and UK are covered, allowing customers to pay via their preferred bank with a few screen taps.
  • Why does using Open Banking eliminate chargebacks?

    When making Open Banking payments, customers make direct account-to-account transfers with no payment cards involved. This eliminates the risk of chargebacks completely, with two-step authentication making it difficult — or virtually impossible — to send an accidental payment.
  • Which countries are covered?

  • How fast can Ecommpay’s Open Banking solutions be implemented?

    After approval, your Open Banking integration will go live on our Hosted Payment pages within 1 day*.
  • What currencies are available with Open Banking: Advanced?

    EUR & GBP.
  • What is the Open Banking payment flow?

    Customer — Ecommpay — Merchant
  • Do you have additional information about Open Banking?

    Ecommpay’s experts have built an extensive knowledge database on Open Banking. Feel free to browse the following resources:

Get in Touch To Find Out How Open Banking Can Help Your Business Grow

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Our heartfelt thanks goes to the Ecommpay team for their exceptional payment services! Setting up, everyday operations, support, invoicing — they make everything really simple, fast, easy-to-use, and professional.
We're glad to have Ecommpay as our payment partner in what has turned out to be a win-win collaboration. With their expert knowledge, we've achieved 90%+ payment and a fraud detection and prevention rate of 99.99%. Here's to another 10 years of fintech innovation.

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