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Open banking is driving fundamental change to businesses

The continued embrace of open banking brings with it profound changes and opportunities for businesses. Listen to our expert panel reveal how Open Banking is changing the commerce landscape and the implications of this for business leaders.

About the Webinar

Banks in the UK and the EU are opening up their data vaults to third parties. But what opportunities does this bring for your business? Will your clients trust their data with you, and how challenging will this all be to implement correctly? There are numerous shifting layers of concepts, technologies and possibilities that make up Open Banking in 2021. Our goal with this webinar is to solve this Rubik’s cube of different ideas with you so that everything clicks into place.

What will you learn?

Olga Karablina, Head of Partner Relation and Payments Development at Ecommpay, opens this one-hour long webinar with an engaging 20-minute introduction, covering:
  • What is open banking?
  • How is open banking like a Rubik’s cube?
  • How do we make it work from every business angle?
  • Are my customers ready for Open Banking, and should I even implement it into my business?
Once you fully understand the concept of open banking and the technology involved, the webinar moves on to a panel discussion, featuring founders in this industry along with other expert speakers who answer questions from those who attended the original live webinar online.

This webinar also discusses far-reaching topics on the edge of public discussion, including

How will open banking impact online business in the future?

Plus much more…

Register to watch the webinar now!

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