Is there Life for Online Business after Brexit?

Survey-based research

What will you learn from this data-driven white paper

Post-Brexit trade is full of concerns, questions, and uncertainties. Aggravated by the global pandemic, shifts in consumer behaviour, and financial crisis as a consequence of major world events, the future of payments post-Brexit is not straightforward. The world is changing rapidly, with customers becoming more demanding.

In this white paper, you will learn about:

  • The current state of payments in the UK
  • Customer online shopping preferences
  • Fraud patterns and how to deal with fraudsters
  • Key changes in consumer buying behaviour
  • UK businesses main concerns and pain points trading across borders
  • Tips on adapting to current changes
  • Recommendations for your company to make post-Brexit trade smooth and cost-efficient

Who benefits from reading this white paper?

Any online business trading globally or accepting/ making cross-border payments and looking for cost optimization options for their international trade. As well as e-commerce professionals keeping up-to-date with the current payment trends that can influence their online business strategy.

Gain valuable insights and empower yourself – anticipate the changes and be your industry leader!

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