Beyond the Pandemic: Open Banking and Payment Behaviour Trends

Survey-based research

What will you learn from this data-driven white paper

The COVID-19 pandemic represented a watershed moment for businesses around the world, with restrictions on movement forcing a rapid change in consumer behaviour, permanently altering the entire retail landscape.

To help companies keep up with this change of pace, we’ve created a whitepaper that summarises the current payment landscape, with data on changing consumer and business payment behaviour, details on how Open Banking fits into the picture, as well as key learnings for businesses.

This whitepaper is built on insights from two surveys completed in March 2021: One of 1,002 UK consumers and another of 500 business leaders in the UK, conducted by Ecommpay in collaboration with Censuswide.

In this white paper, you will learn about:

  • An analytical overview of the current payment landscape
  • Data on changing consumer habits and business behaviour
  • How Open Banking fits into the equation, with key learnings for businesses
  • Changing checkout preferences of end-users
  • Readiness to use Open Banking as a payment method
  • How to respond to changing consumer behaviour, with tips and advice for navigating the changing fintech landscape

Who benefits from reading this white paper?

Any online business working in Europe and the UK and striving to improve the payment process of its end-users. Any progressive e-commerce company that wants to stay updated on their clients payment behaviour and is ready to adopt new payment technologies, such as Open Banking.

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