Ecommpay appoints new director of financial partnerships and plans expansion of class-leading Open Banking solution

October 5, 2023
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  • Newly appointed Arthur Ribakovs will make an exciting product announcement during his presentation at the Open Banking Expo in London.

Ecommpay a leading international payment service provider and UK and European direct bank card acquirer, has appointed Arthur Ribakovs as Director of Financial Partnerships.

As Product Owner of Ecommpay's Open Banking Advanced and Account-to-Account solutions, Arthur will uphold the impeccable level of quality that users have come to expect, while using his experience and knowledge to strengthen one of the company's main product offerings.

Open Banking enables instant account-to-account payments and access to thousands of UK and European banks — all via a single integration. Ecommpay's Account-to-Account solution allows merchants to move away from traditional manual bank transfers, offering strong user authentication and saving time with automated descriptors.

Open Banking Advanced adds features including instant pay-ins, payouts, and refunds directly from a dedicated bank account and further improves efficiency with automatic reconciliation and real-time payment confirmations.

Arthur Ribakovs joined Ecommpay three years ago as a Junior Partner Relations manager, having previously been a Team Lead for the International Travel Network. Now an expert in fintech and Open Banking, Arthur explains that his passion for finance and payment technologies makes him a perfect match for his new role.

"As a teenager, I was fascinated by e-commerce, finance, and the payments industry. Today, Ecommpay has opened the doors to the world of money movement. As Director of Financial Partnerships, I have the chance to lead communication with trusted partners and build long-lasting relationships with industry leaders while leaving no stone unturned to deliver top-notch solutions and services."

Ecommpay is a full-suite payment provider and direct acquirer. The company offers built-in-house, integrated solutions and provides a complete payment infrastructure with orchestration of both acquiring and Open Banking.

Ecommpay’s proprietary platform allows complete control and ultimate scalability with local and global payment methods, payouts, and more — all backed by dedicated support.

Catch Arthur Ribakovs’ presentation at the Open Banking Expo, Business Design Centre, London, 19 October, 2023.

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